Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Year 1 - Architecture

Architecture and Art - Year 1 studies...

I have been having amazing fun with Year 1 developing a new Architecture project. Within the new curriculum for Art, Craft & Design there is a much stronger push towards learning about the work of Architects so I thought we would have a journey together...

First we have looked at the work of Angolan artist Antonio Ole. In the past he has created artworks which he entitled 'the skins of the city'. His enormous installations used discarded building materials in order to create artworks and his attention to pattern, colour and texture within these works really caught my eye. The pupils have enjoyed rising to the challenge of using his inspiration for patternation and colour (having first captured our ideas in sketchbooks) towards influencing their actual 'small scale architectural models'.

Antonio Ole

 Our sketchbook ideas...

We responded through collage to Antonio Ole's work and then began to prepare, saw and paint balsa wood sections (with colour and pattern inspired by Ole) for future 'building'.

Next we looked at the work of a number of architects who have designed small spaces. We collected ideas in response to these in our sketchbook and designed a 'super house' for a 'little pig'. Here are some of our ideas...

 Then we began to build!

Dowling was secured into cardboard bases as a frame for building and the children began construction...

 Then we really get going on our construction...

The children are really enjoying developing their architectural models. The combination of colour and scale works really well and they are coming on a treat! We have encountered many building problems and have tried to overcome these with support from our peers. Windows, doors and all manner of extras are being added on, we are almost there!

The shelves are full of these wondrous creations and I can wait to see them complete (we are creating printed elements as a final flourish) and displayed in school. Love, Love, Love!!!!!


Sunday, 26 April 2015

Initial Teacher Training- Kirklees/Calderdale SCITT

Over the last few weeks I have been working with 36 trainee teachers from the current Kirklees & Calderdale SCITT course. I have to say this years trainee teachers have been a really enthusiastic bunch (the future is in safe hands) and we have had great fun together experimenting with ideas for teaching Art, Craft & Design throughout the new Primary Curriculum. We have covered both drawing, design and craft/sculpture techniques. 

The benefit of the trainees coming to my base school of Battyeford is that I can show them how the Art, Craft and Design curriculum really comes to life in the context of our setting. We can tour displays and talk about a wide variety of approaches and techniques, as well as see first hand the children's sketchbooks, peer comments and their writing that has been stimulated by their experiences through this subject. Here is some of this years trainees work!

Proud of their efforts and having fun! This is how it should be in any classroom! Wonderful...

In addition to the practical course I deliver I also present ideas for assessment, funding, a who's who contact list, information about the NSEAD (National Society for Education in Art & Design) and offer a Dropbox file full of goodies, planning, Power Points and more so that the trainee teacher has a lot to fall back on when in their own school.

The NSEAD and Expert Subject Advisory Group for Art, Craft and Design have put together an invaluable assessment and progression resource that fits alongside the new Primary Curriculum model for Art, Craft and Design. This can be found on the following page: 

In addition a very useful extended curriculum model for Art, Craft and Design exists in drop down menus to the DfE content on the following link:

I would encourage every school to become a member of the NSEAD. The Primary Collegiate membership for schools is only £65.10 annually. For this schools are eligible for discounts on training courses and receive the wonderful termly magazine AD. A resource well worth the investment! Please join and support the progression and recognition of our subject.

Membership details can be found using the following link: