Julia Ogden, an illustrator from Brighouse, has inspired our youngsters in a fabulous after school club for Years 4-6...
The lovely Julia with some of the children...
Please 'Tweet' this link to all your friends (get it!)...
Here are the parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters coming to take a look at the finished works on the last night of the project! Some had to dash back to the car to reach for phones and cameras as they couldn't believe how wonderful the artworks were...Thanks everyone for the lovely feedback!
Mrs Pyatt (our Headteacher) got in on the action by doing a proud tour of all the artwork. She is trying to steal some works now for her office wall!
These artworks are so amazing we had to find an outlet to show them (and soon)...We approached the fabulous Brooks Deli www.brooksofmirfield.co.uk/ in Mirfield and the owners have kindly let us have a special show in their premesis. The special preview is Wednesday the 19th of March between 5.30-6.30pm.
We can't wait!http://www.brooksofmirfield.co.uk/