Monday, 15 July 2013

Year 6 complete their Summer Term Projects

just in time! 

It has been a busy day in the Art Room with two new blogs today!

We can't let our Year 6 leave without saying goodbye now can we?!
I am tempted to say these are self portraits of my current Year 6! However in between rehearsing for their end of year production 'Cinderella Rockerfella' they still managed to squeeze in an amazing last effort in the art studio and produce these fantastic artworks based on the Novel Artemis Fowl.

You can't see this on the photographic image, but these large scale acrylic paintings are raised out from a painted background creating a stunning graphic effect.
The works stem from an idea for a project we completed as an after school project last year. Imagery is an imagined 'under ground dweller' - 'the people' who exist below earth in the novel Artemis Fowl. They are the pupil's own unique take on a character, devised to suit their own intentions. 


Totally stunning graphic work for Year 6!


As part of the project pupil's could select their working method as 2D or 3D and create their character accordingly. 3D works have small clay heads, well crafted to add a sophistication to the process.
Fantastic work everyone! A great final project. You will all do well in Art in Secondary school I am sure!
Mrs Deane

Year 5 Arts Award Pupils Lead the Way!

Year 5 Arts Award participants have been leading a workshop based on a drawing technique they have learnt from working alongside graphic artist Michael Barrett (Emelbi).

Following their attendance on an after school project for a series of six weeks, these pupils felt well equipped to show their peers the techniques need to create effective geometric continuous lines to form imaginative silhouettes of buildings and objects from the built and natural environment.   
A group of four 'leaders' took a class of 30 pupils through their paces and the activity was a great success.
"Phew that was enjoyable, but kind of hard... as they wouldn't always do what we said!" Chloe
Chloe was learning what it felt like to be a 'teacher'/ facilitator!
Here are some of the leaders just before session 1... do they look nervous?!!!
The peers joined in enthusiastically, everyone made good progress...outstanding teaching!!!!

They supported their peers throughout!



Wednesday, 10 July 2013

The Rabbit Dolls are in the house!!!! Character and Literacy INSET for teachers from Kirklees and Calderdale

The Rabbit Dolls are in the House!!!

Today I was visited at Battyeford School for the day by 11 fabulous teachers from Kirklees and Calderdale schools all eager to throw the new curriculum for Art & Design in the bin and do something bigger, bolder and better (and involving Craft!!! -which seems to have been lost by the DFE this week). We had great fun and oooed and aaaawed at each others creations. We were joined for part of the morning by the fabulous Samantha Bryan so that delegates got to witness first hand her beautiful contemporary (another word lost in the new curriculum) craft creations.



Some of our relief projects in the making....

Everyone is busy, busy. busy... they will not stop!!! TEA I cry TEA! No one is listening!

So cute and how lifelike!

Funky Grandad, what an amazing body! Truly well sculpted- a 'rigorous' piece of work! Loving the cape!

Here comes the dragon...super work by the teachers from Greetland Academy

Kate from Carlton has a purple obsession! 
The wonderful work of Julie Arkell takes us on another character filled adventure where we can envisage seeing our creation engaging with other characters from familiar texts.
The Rabbit Dolls arrive as if from nowhere! We enjoyed these characters and could see how skills were being built in this Year 1 project that would aid children's knowledge and understanding towards more complex construction later in school.


We showed off at the end of the day!!! Why not?!