Saturday, 29 June 2013

Day 2 'Family TEA' - Harry is a Teapot!

Much fun was had today with ten families from Battyeford who came down to participate in our second 'TEA' event. KS1 kicked off the afternoon and then KS2 arrived to draw over the work from the previous session "Can we really???" they asked...
Teapots, spoons and cups soon formed a mass of energy on our canvases...much hilarity when one of the boys stated "Harry is a Teapot! I have drawn Harry as a teapot!" Hence the title for our day and our subsequent film!

Adopt an Artist! "I love this today"... says Max as he rests his head gently on Fabric Lenny's shoulder and watches a clip of our time-lapse. 
We sketched our ideas moving back and forth from the canvases...

Paul (Fabric Lenny) was kept busy changing camera angles to keep the resultant film interesting.
Look out for the film for the second day on
 Lovely collaboration across year groups!
Mrs Pyatt our Headteacher popped in to say hello too... she was very impressed.
"I have drawn Wolverine as a teapot!" says Harry...
"He has knives, forks and spoons for hands!"
"Most excellent" says Mrs Deane &  Fabric Lenny! We truly loved that crazy idea!

 KS2 session...



Our little ones loved it too... a friendly, fun and relaxed afternoon with copious amounts of energy at the canvas!

Graduate Teacher Training Event Day 2

26 Graduate Teacher Trainees descended on Battyeford this week for day 2 of their Art, Craft and Design training.
"This has been some of the most useful training we have had all year"
 " Just wanted to tell you I have used the 'Drawing on Sculpture' activity since we last saw you and my Teacher Supervisor thought that the lesson could have been outstanding if it were formally observed. The children absolutely loved it!"
 "I have started to use some of the ideas already - it has been totally inspiring"   
"I have been looking forward to Day 2 of the training as Day 1 was so excellent and refreshing!"
 The pirates have arrived! Relief craft and character activity Day 2.
"I should have put my body on first, it is much more difficult to do that now I have made the beard-lesson learnt!"
Two fabulous exotic creatures!

In the afternoon we looked at collaborative drawing exercises based on 'Our Locality' and schemes that move from individual work to group, 2D to 3D. We were inspired by the Szopki's of Krakow and worked in a large group to create scale drawings from which we could then construct and embellish in 3D.

The concept was quite tricky at first as unfortunately there was no 'made' example, so the trainees had to work out the process step by step. We got there in the end and created the starting points of some super architectural models.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Year 5 & 6 First Day of 'TEA' - Thinking, Expression, Action (A Collaborative Project with Fabric Lenny)

Today has been fun and 'full on' in the art room! Inspired by our visiting artist Fabric Lenny and the word 'animate' we have been collaborating on a drawing project where a time-lapse film will be the product of our work (not the efforts of our finished 2D pieces). The images that will change through our collaboration over four boards, will form the basis for a short film. On Saturday we host a family event in school for other year groups to attend.

Initially we captured our ideas on large sheets of paper with fine line pens and an ink wash. In small groups we then took it in turns to collaborate on the panels, transferring our initial ideas.

Here you can see two steps of our 'red' board in development. We initially started with a colour theme but then diverged a little!

As the images merged with paint we had to problem solve to separate imagery and find ways to make the collaboration effective.


We began to think about starting our image with a common thread to create a pattern on the board.
 Throughout the day Paul (Fabric Lenny) started to input the film taken in to an editing package so we could see how the idea was taking shape. We used a piece of music composed by one of Mrs Deane's contacts, Richard Hughes, to accompany our piece. The film link (when ready) will be shared on this blog.  

As our ideas flowed we began to add collage into the imagery. It looks like the character behind this cake is looking forward to a feast!

Fabric Lenny used various camera's to get interesting shots of the event in the art room, so that the film would be visually exciting. Can't wait to see it!

Seeing as some of our sketches were so good we also cut these out and added them into the mix.

An update will be available next week...
Thanks Mr Lenny, we had a great day!


Thursday, 20 June 2013

The Pirates Are Coming!

Year 2 have been designing Pirate characters for construction in 3D relief. They have used wire and polystyrene to create facial features and then covered this with tissue paper to create a layer of skin. Sketchbooks were used for the development of mind maps, from this collection of ideas and notes the pupils then went on to create their design.. We are nearing completion today!
Once our skin layer was complete we began to develop facial features, hair, facial hair, clothing and lastly hats! We have manipulated a range of materials.

Next week we will be using these images to inspire our writing and the children in Year 2 will be creating WANTED posters of this motley crew!

We love design and contemporary craft at our school and the original idea for this project came from previous work with Samantha Bryan. You can see more of this artists work on her website